Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Shake it off.

I miss you in the morning, waking up and
gimme kiss with stinky breath now
I miss you in the shower, for two hours
in the bathroom, now we're both late
I miss you in the mirror, doing hair in
just your panties, simply sexy
I miss you in the closet, put your clothes on
gimme that look, take 'em off
Ne-yo- Miss You Crazy

Hm. I didn't wanna blog without pictures. So, I took pictures of my knees. LOL It's getting worse with each freaking game! Eugh. Hope this doesn't do any permanent damage or affect me in the far future since I've been hurting them continuously for like.. 2 years now? WHATEVER I'll just man up. Oh, got my AP exam score today. I got a 4. Somewhat unsatisfied, but that's just me expecting too much as always.

Such a turn off! But I'm kinda fascinated :) Why do guys date me LOL. When I meet a cutie, hope I'm wearing jeans. I woke up this morning & found Cocoa humping Sugar. >:O