Monday, July 20, 2009

Took me by surprise.

This picture was unexpected lol =) Dinner & Shopping on Friday. Saturday was crazy. Went to a Student League event for the American Cancer Society honoring people fighting or people who died from cancer. People would donate 10$ for cancer research & receive a paper bag. They'd give us the name(s) of people who died of cancer or are fighting it, we'd put the name on a bag, decorate it, put sand in it so it'll stand, line it up around the track, and at night we'd light it with glow sticks. I was so surprised with the turn out.. there were hundreds and hundreds of bags around the track o_o maybe 500? We were sweating our asses off.. filling 500 bags with sand in 90degree weather. I got free glowsticks :) I love them, thought you knew? Oh I won a water-drinking contest! Well, second place, but that's the same thing right? Hahah, but yeah, the event was real touching, felt like I made a difference. Even stayed back a couple hours extra. Sunday, swimming with Katie, Tam, Christy, later with Amy, Cindy, and Kathleen. Then Guppy's. CUTEST WAITER EVERRR! (: & yeah. Here's a kajillion pictures from the weekend.

We like people-watching. Lmao

Cindy took this picture, cus she thought that guy was cute.

I took this picture cus.. wtf is she wearing?!?!? It was freezing..

Took this picture cus I wanted a picture for my blog. Lmao. @2AM.

Align Center
Our decorating table at the event. (:

It was beautiful, hard to take pictures of though.

Written outta paper bags.. with sand & glowsticks. Beautiful righht?

Uncle's bday dinner. Weird cakes lol

LOL Cindy fell asleep. I'm an ass (:

I tried making a pretty light trail. I suck.

Puahahha but my hand looks cool right?